Wound Care
JCH Advanced Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine
Located at Jersey Community Hospital.
To make an appointment please call 618-639-4325 (HEAL).

We Specialize In:
- Ulcers (Diabetic, Neuropathic, Pressure, Ischemic)
- Venous insufficiency
- Peristomal skin irritations
- Burns
- Traumatic wounds
- Surgical wounds
- Vasculitis
- Other chronic, non-healing wounds
Be Proactive
When it comes to taking care of your skin it doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive. All you need to do is:
- Gentle, pH-balanced cleanser
- Skin moisturizers and emollients such as lotion, cream, oil, or petrolatum applied within 3 minutes of bathing and when skin feels or looks dry
- Lastly, good nutrition and plenty of water
Use these items regularly. Your common sense is key to taking care of your skin.

Help Your Healing
- Care for your wound at home as directed by your healthcare provider
- Eat a healthy diet
- Rest according to your healthcare provider as instructed
- Take medication as ordered
- Stop smoking
If your sore or wound has not entirely healed within a month, you may be a candidate for wound care treatment. Our goal is to promote early lasting recovery for wounds such as:
- Lymphedema
- Diabetic foot or pressure ulcers
- Ulcers caused by a poor artery or vein circulation
- Radiation or slow healing wound
When To Call Your Healthcare Provider
If you notice any of the following, report them to your healthcare provider right away:
- You see blood soaking through the outside of your dressing
- Your dressing becomes wet or falls off
- Your pain continues to increase
- Signs of infection include:
- Increased redness and warmth
- Increased drainage and odor
- Increased pain
- Swelling
- Fever
If you notice any of these symptoms, call your doctor or healthcare provider for further assessment.
Our Team
Dr. Jon Andersen- General Surgeon